Friday, June 27, 2008

Ballgames, Camps, and Summertime Crazy

Since our last blog, things have been crazy busy around the Evans house! The ball season ended, Natasha went to camp (not like Ernest), then Natasha and the kids went to the beach sans Brian (poor dear had to work), and now we are all finally at home! This post will probably be two weeks long!

The softball team ended their year in a sad fashion, losing both tournament games in a row. Hopefully the co-ed team will fair better. Must be something about the coach....even though he does have nice legs! The kids were highly entertaining most nights, playing in the dirt and rocks! Enjoy how North Carolina red clay can cover a 5 and 2 year old! And....their bathtub was disgusting every night following a game...check it out!

Cameron was not so happy about me taking her photo!

Carter is always a ham! He was probably growling at me for making him actually sit down!

This picture does not give the full effect of how dirty our kids really were!

Shortly after the end of ball season, Natasha went with the youth group to the Student Life camp at Wake Forest. Todd Agnew was our worship leader and he was awesome!!!! The songs he chose for camp were perfect for our group, and we had some choices made that hopefully will continue long after camp! Dave Edwards was our speaker, and I must say if you've never heard Dave you are missing out! He's great!

Master Yellow: Edify Me! (you had to be there)

Water day! Anybody missing...oh yeah, Natasha....nice and dry!

Our beach trip followed 2 days after camp! Here is our only picture. I realize that I'm a terrible mother allowing my 2-year old play Nintendo 64 (old school baby!), but Carter and Cameron really enjoyed it! Kudos to Dylon for being patient for a 6-minute crusin' cars round!

Carter definitely has a gamer's posture!

Monday, June 9, 2008

5 Games this week!

We have 5 Church League Softball games this week. Which means getting home around 11:00 on Monday Night, 7:30 on Tuesday, and 10:00 on Thursday. Which also means the kids will get baths around these times and any schedule of getting them to go to bed on time is out the window this week. It is the summer so there hasn't been to much of a bed schedule yet b/c of softball and other activities. We will have to post some pictures of the kids and how dirty they get playing at the ball park. A shovel and a pile of rocks will entertain kids for a long time. Hopefully Natasha won't take any pictures of me playing. The coach has benched me b/c of 4 errors in two games week before last, but he has made a brilliant move by playing me at DH since I went 5 for 5 that week batting. He has to be the best coach ever b/c he always makes the right moves. I'm hearing he might get called up to coach T ball or something in the next couple of years. He will have to be ready to make the right decisions this week so we can make it into the "B" bracket in the tournament coming up right now we are looking at the "C" bracket and we have to defend our "B" Title from last year. He coached us to 4 straight victories in one night last year. So please pray for us "OLD" guys this week as we play these 5 games, hopefully we will not have any injuries!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Weekends in Millers Creek

Weekends in Millers Creek have become very eventful as summer has begun! We have enjoyed a lot of family time this weekend! Cameron and Carter are learning to just chill inside, since we have gone from warm to scorching in a matter of days! It's currently 99F outside! Who knew the laundry baskets could become such a valued source of entertainment. Overall, it has been a great beginning to summer with only more fun to come! A Day Out with Thomas pictures will be posted soon!