Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Carter Turns 3

Our Little boy is growin up. He is turning 3 today. I can't believe that it has been 3 years since God blessed us with Carter! The scary thing is he loves school. He usually stays at school until Natasha gets off but yesterday she had to drive the bus for the volleyball team. (Yes my wife drives the bus and no it is not the short bus! I'm the captain of that ship). So Natasha's aunt picked him up early and he was very upset. When i picked him up at 5:20 he asked i was taking him back to school to see Ms. Amy. When i told him no he just cried and cried. I guess it is a good thing he likes School.

He is counting to 15 and loves to tell you that he is CARTER JAMES EVANS (we are all ______ James Evans fill in name in his book.) I wish our camera wasn't broken so we had pictures to share. Thank You God for our Little Boy!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Whew! We made it!

Congratulate us! We've all made it through the first week of school! Wednesday we all went down the stairs in order, all in our L.L. Bean backpacks. It was really quite cute! All wasn't perfect though. Our camera decided to breakdown Wednesday morning. Thankfully, Brian's mom was with us for the week, and she had her digital camera handy.'s Friday and at least Mom and Dad are ready to crash, even if the kids aren't.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


February 5,2003 and September 17, 2005 changed our lives forever. These are the days our children were born. With Cameron starting Kindergarten in 3 days, I'm feeling a little sentimental. Cameron is an amazing little girl. She's smart and sassy. I promise I have no idea where she got those traits! :) Last fall when she lost her first 2 teeth at age 4, I had a major panic attack. Now, she's working on her 5th. Here she is displaying her first "big" tooth loss. The other fell out this past Wednesday. I'm so proud that she's growing up, but sad in many ways.

Carter is our "Bam Bam" boy. He is unbelievably strong, both physically and emotionally. He can be sweet as tea one minute and unsweet with lemon the next. I guess he's "all boy." In a few more months, he will be able to take Cameron down. He's really close. This picture is so Carter. He is intrigued by so many things and thoroughly enjoys life.

God has blessed us in so many ways. I have amazing children, an amazing husband, and an amazing life. But of course, I'm biased!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Registering for Classes

I thought having to use a phone to register for classes was bad. I remember the days at State using any phone you could use to call into Tracs to get your classes. Wednesday morning I went to the community college to register to take my Calculus class. I'm taking this class as a refresher b/c it has been 13/14 years since i have had calculus. I spent 4 hours to register for one class. First off you had to check in at a little table and they direct you to the next room to sit and be bored. The admin person in there then tries to find your file. This is where the fun starts, all their files are paper and none on the computer. There were people who had just graduated from there less than a year ago and they couldn't find their files. So after sitting there for about an hour & 1/2 listening to college students in their late teens early 20s talking about stuff it is confirmed that i'm old. They were cussing every other word in a public place and talking about going over to someones house and pushing them down the stairs. Her name was Paris and she is going to be a nurse or a dental assistant so run if you ever see her. Finally i'm called back to the lady's office who is going to help me. I tell her what i'm going to take and she looks at my transcript from NCSU. I've already had Calculus I and II at State but i need a refresher, plus i had it in High School. She said I would probably have to take a placement test. Wait a minute i've already passed the class once and you want me to take a test? So she goes and ask the lady in charge and they said I have to take the test. So I'm already late to get back to work so i decide to go ahead and take the test. Once they were getting the test ready they said i might have to take a reading test too. I fought that one and they agreed that for calculus it wasn't needed. So now i go take a College Algerbra test on the computer and the first question comes up f(x)= x^2-4 and g(x) =something else. I thought i was in trouble but i made it thru and passed after six questions. So i sit for two more hours waiting on the lady who made me take the test. She was helping somewhere else but we had to wait for her to come back. So i go into her office and she said she was sorry she was mean for making me take the test but she has made PH D students take them. She called the professor and told him what i had taken at NCSU and what my score was and he says I wouldn't have made him take the test. ARRRGGGGGHHH! So i'm finally registered for class and it starts Monday. Please Pray for me and the family.

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Countdown is ON!

Today marks the countdown until my summer vacation ends, and I have to go back to the real work world. And now, I'm in panic mode! I need to do so much before I go back to work! Where to begin? I've done a lot this summer, but not as much as I wanted! It'll be okay though!

On a prouder note, Brian starts his second education in 2 weeks! He'll be at Wilkes Community College taking some refresher courses before going on to UNCC or State. While Brian is starting back to school, Cameron will start Kindergarten! She is very excited, especially about learning Spanish. Carter says he's ready to go to kool too!

Keep us in your prayers!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Where does the time go?

There is absolutely no way it's been 3 weeks since our last blog. We've been to Edenton and home! And now, we're going back to E-town. Marcia (Brian's Mom) has spent the last week with us and we had a huge yard sale. The next time we decide to do something like that again please remind us to "STOP!!!!" It was a lot of fun, but a lot of work also! The kids have enjoyed a few weeks visiting with Grandma and of course, being spoiled rotten. Our kids???? NEVER!

When we get back from E-town, I will have to return to the "school" routine. Teachers report August 11th, and the kids return on August 20th. Cameron will start Kindergartern!!! YIKES!!! It's not fair! We just brought her home from the hospital yesterday! I think there's a pill for that for me! :) Lauren...any ideas? There will definitely be lots of pictures from the first day of Kindergarten. You would think that she had never been to pre-school! Carter is going to be in the K3 pre-school class. The program is going to 5 days per week, so that is bonus for us only having to go to one place.

Brian has also decided to return to the classroom as a student! He will be starting August 18th, taking one class at a time to get a BS in Mechanical Engineering. I am so proud of him and it's long overdue.

Long story short, we are at a huge transition for our family, so please keep us in your prayers!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Ballgames, Camps, and Summertime Crazy

Since our last blog, things have been crazy busy around the Evans house! The ball season ended, Natasha went to camp (not like Ernest), then Natasha and the kids went to the beach sans Brian (poor dear had to work), and now we are all finally at home! This post will probably be two weeks long!

The softball team ended their year in a sad fashion, losing both tournament games in a row. Hopefully the co-ed team will fair better. Must be something about the coach....even though he does have nice legs! The kids were highly entertaining most nights, playing in the dirt and rocks! Enjoy how North Carolina red clay can cover a 5 and 2 year old! And....their bathtub was disgusting every night following a game...check it out!

Cameron was not so happy about me taking her photo!

Carter is always a ham! He was probably growling at me for making him actually sit down!

This picture does not give the full effect of how dirty our kids really were!

Shortly after the end of ball season, Natasha went with the youth group to the Student Life camp at Wake Forest. Todd Agnew was our worship leader and he was awesome!!!! The songs he chose for camp were perfect for our group, and we had some choices made that hopefully will continue long after camp! Dave Edwards was our speaker, and I must say if you've never heard Dave you are missing out! He's great!

Master Yellow: Edify Me! (you had to be there)

Water day! Anybody missing...oh yeah, Natasha....nice and dry!

Our beach trip followed 2 days after camp! Here is our only picture. I realize that I'm a terrible mother allowing my 2-year old play Nintendo 64 (old school baby!), but Carter and Cameron really enjoyed it! Kudos to Dylon for being patient for a 6-minute crusin' cars round!

Carter definitely has a gamer's posture!

Monday, June 9, 2008

5 Games this week!

We have 5 Church League Softball games this week. Which means getting home around 11:00 on Monday Night, 7:30 on Tuesday, and 10:00 on Thursday. Which also means the kids will get baths around these times and any schedule of getting them to go to bed on time is out the window this week. It is the summer so there hasn't been to much of a bed schedule yet b/c of softball and other activities. We will have to post some pictures of the kids and how dirty they get playing at the ball park. A shovel and a pile of rocks will entertain kids for a long time. Hopefully Natasha won't take any pictures of me playing. The coach has benched me b/c of 4 errors in two games week before last, but he has made a brilliant move by playing me at DH since I went 5 for 5 that week batting. He has to be the best coach ever b/c he always makes the right moves. I'm hearing he might get called up to coach T ball or something in the next couple of years. He will have to be ready to make the right decisions this week so we can make it into the "B" bracket in the tournament coming up right now we are looking at the "C" bracket and we have to defend our "B" Title from last year. He coached us to 4 straight victories in one night last year. So please pray for us "OLD" guys this week as we play these 5 games, hopefully we will not have any injuries!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Weekends in Millers Creek

Weekends in Millers Creek have become very eventful as summer has begun! We have enjoyed a lot of family time this weekend! Cameron and Carter are learning to just chill inside, since we have gone from warm to scorching in a matter of days! It's currently 99F outside! Who knew the laundry baskets could become such a valued source of entertainment. Overall, it has been a great beginning to summer with only more fun to come! A Day Out with Thomas pictures will be posted soon!