Saturday, August 16, 2008


February 5,2003 and September 17, 2005 changed our lives forever. These are the days our children were born. With Cameron starting Kindergarten in 3 days, I'm feeling a little sentimental. Cameron is an amazing little girl. She's smart and sassy. I promise I have no idea where she got those traits! :) Last fall when she lost her first 2 teeth at age 4, I had a major panic attack. Now, she's working on her 5th. Here she is displaying her first "big" tooth loss. The other fell out this past Wednesday. I'm so proud that she's growing up, but sad in many ways.

Carter is our "Bam Bam" boy. He is unbelievably strong, both physically and emotionally. He can be sweet as tea one minute and unsweet with lemon the next. I guess he's "all boy." In a few more months, he will be able to take Cameron down. He's really close. This picture is so Carter. He is intrigued by so many things and thoroughly enjoys life.

God has blessed us in so many ways. I have amazing children, an amazing husband, and an amazing life. But of course, I'm biased!

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